... of the year nineteen hundred and forty six, Freemasonry in Germany was almost without form and virtually void. Darkness had spread its cloak upon the face of the Continent for years. But the spirit of Freemasonry lingered and glowed in the hearts of men, and there were Masons who said there would be Light again. And Lo! there came a time when there was Light... again!
To those stalwart Masons whose great personal courage helped keep the spirit of Freemasonry alive in Germany during the dark days of Nazi terror and to those whose determination, devotion, and sacrifice resulted in rekindling of the Masonic Lights in the Federal Republic of Germany and the City of Berlin-West.
This brief outline is condensed from part one of a two part series titled "In The Beginning" written by R.W.Brother Jess Minton, published, originally in "The American Canadian Trestleboard" (TACT) Vol. 1, No. 1, in July, 1966. In preparing this vastly condensed version for publication, the primary goal was to provide a brief overview for the benefit of our rapidly changing membership, of those events which led to the establishment of what is now styled as The American Canadian Grand Lodge. Copies of this pamphlet may be obtained direct from the Grand Lodge, at cost, plus postage. Published in March 1980, at Frankfurt/Main; this second revised edition was published in October 1982. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted, provided the source is quoted.
American Canadian Grand Lodge, AF & AM
Kruppstrasse 134 60388 Frankfurt am Main West Germany